The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE), administered by the ICVA since 2000, is a requirement for licensure to practice veterinary medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in the US and Canada. The NAVLE consists of 360 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions.
The NAVLE is offered throughout North America and certain overseas sites at computer testing centers operated by Prometric. The NAVLE is available during two testing windows per year: November–December and April.
To practice the NAVLE, visit the Practice NAVLE page. For more information about the NAVLE, visit the NAVLE Candidate Bulletin for more information.
Examination dates
The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination will be administered during the following testing windows:
2024-2025 NAVLE testing cycle:
- November 4 - December 21, 2024
- April 1 - April 26, 2025
2025-2026 NAVLE testing cycle:
- October 15 - November 15, 2025
- March 1 - March 21, 2026
- July 13 - August 8, 2026
All application materials must be received by:
- August 1 for November–December 2024
- February 1 for April 2025
Application deadlines for the 2025-2026 NAVLE testing cycle will be posted in late 2024.
The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination Process
The NAVLE process can be broken down into six steps:
Under ICVA requirements, those eligible to apply for the NAVLE include:
Graduates of schools accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
Senior students at AVMA-accredited schools who have an expected graduation date no later than ten months from the last date of the applicable testing window.
Graduates of schools not accredited by the AVMA who are enrolled in or hold certificates issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG), or the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE). If enrolled, candidates must complete step 3 of their program to be eligible to take the NAVLE.
Senior students at schools not accredited by the AVMA who are enrolled in the ECFVG or PAVE, who have an expected graduation date no later than ten months from the last date of the applicable testing window.
Some state licensing agencies' NAVLE eligibility requirements differ, and to be approved to take the NAVLE through those agencies, you must meet their requirements.
If you are applying to take the NAVLE in order to obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine in Canada, please contact the Canadian National Examining Board (NEB) at
If you are applying to take the NAVLE for the purpose of being licensed by a U.S. state or territorial veterinary licensing agency, you must submit TWO NAVLE applications- ICVA NAVLE application, and a NAVLE state/territorial application. However, if you choose one of the states that ICVA processes the state portion of the application, you will only need to fill out the NAVLE online application and pay the fees on the ICVA website.
No Board Option
Beginning with the November – December 2024 NAVLE testing window, there will be a ‘No Board’ option on the on-line NAVLE application. Candidates can select the ‘No Board’ option if they are unsure of where they will be seeking licensure.
The NAVLE application is required to obtain licensure to practice veterinary medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in US and Canada. The applications and corresponding fee(s) must be submitted directly to the ICVA by the ICVA application receipt deadline.
NAVLE application submission- All candidates applying through a U.S. state or territorial licensing agencies may submit the ICVA NAVLE application directly to the ICVA online. Online application fees must be paid by Visa or MasterCard.
Application deadline- The deadline for the NAVLE application to be received in the ICVA office is August 1 for the November–December testing window, and February 1 for the April testing window for all candidates.
The NAVLE state/territorial application is required to for approval to take the NAVLE. The application must be submitted to one licensing board (or to your board's designated NAVLE processor) by your board's (or processor's) application receipt deadline. That board (or processor) must approve your state NAVLE application, and notify the ICVA of that approval, for you to be eligible to take the NAVLE.
NAVLE State application submission- NAVLE application procedures for individual state licensing board vary. The ICVA processes state NAVLE applications on behalf of many licensing boards, some boards have a separate NAVLE application processor, and some boards process their own applications. For each testing window, submit your state/territorial NAVLE application and fee payment according to that licensing board’s preferences and deadlines.
The application process varies state by state. Our NAVLE Application Procedure Chart provides an overview of licensing board NAVLE application procedures, including application deadline and state-by-state processes for contacting your board. Select your state or region to find information regarding both National NAVLE application and State NAVLE application.
It is your responsibility to make sure both the ICVA and your licensing board office (or your board's designated NAVLE processor) have received all the necessary application paperwork and fees by their deadlines in order for you to be registered and approved to take the NAVLE.
Phone Number
NAVLE Application Fee Payment, and Deadline
NAVLE State Application Fee Payment, and Deadline
The NAVLE is scored after the close of each testing window. Scores are reported to licensing boards and to candidates approximately 4-5 weeks after the close of each testing window. Your initial NAVLE score will be reported to the board that approved you to take the examination, at no additional cost to you. For information on transferring your score to additional licensing boards through AAVSB. The New Interactive NAVLE Score Report sample is explained and can be viewed here. If you need an duplicate score report for your own personal use from your past NAVLE administration, you can order one here. No refunds are granted for this purchase.
The scheduling and admission process for taking the NAVLE requires multiple documents and numbers.
After your application is received, you will receive an email containing your ICVAID. Once you begin the scheduling process, you will receive your Scheduling Number and CIN as part of your Scheduling and Admission Permit. After scheduling your test date online, you will receive your Confirmation Number.
- ICVAID (ICVA identification number)- You will receive your ICVAID once your NAVLE application is received. It will allow you to access your online Scheduling and Admission Permit, and, for some candidates, to access your pass/fail information once scores become available.
- Scheduling Number- You will receive your Scheduling Number along with your Scheduling and Admission Permit. It will allow you to schedule your testing appointment with Prometric.
- Candidate Identification Number (CIN)- You will receive the CIN in your Scheduling and Admission Permit. The CIN is required to access your examination on at the Prometric center on the day you test. As Prometric does not have access to CINs, it is vital that you bring your Scheduling and Admission Permit with you on your scheduled test day; otherwise, you will not be admitted to take the test.
- Confirmation Number- You will receive your Confirmation Number when you schedule your testing appointment. This number is required to confirm and/or reschedule your testing appointment. (Please record the Confirmation Number in the specified area on the bottom of your permit.)
Once approved to take the examination, you will be issued a NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit approximately 45 days prior to the opening of that testing window. For additional information on permits and the appointment scheduling process, please refer to the NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit page of this site.
Once you approved both for the NAVLE AND for your accommodations (if you have requested testing accommodations), we'll submit your file to our test vendor so they can process your permit. Once your permit is ready, you will receive an email from our test vendor, the NBME, with instructions so you can access it on-line and then schedule your NAVLE appointment. If you are an approved candidate and do not receive this email message by September 25 for the November–December NAVLE, and February 27 for the April NAVLE, you should contact the ICVA immediately.
Follow the email instructions to obtain your permit. Be sure to print the permit, as you will use it to schedule your testing appointment. You will also need to present the printed permit or an electronic version when arriving at the Prometric testing center.
Review your first and last names on your permit and compare them to your first and last names as listed on your government-issued, signed, photo identification (e.g., driver's license or passport) you plan to use for admission into the testing center. Your first and last names on your permit must exactly match your first and last names on your ID or you will not be allowed to test. Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable. If you need to correct or update your name(s) or other information, you can do it here.
If your ID and permit names do not match, contact our office immediately to get your record corrected, a revised permit will need to be processed for you. If you anticipate a name change prior to your test date, such as due to a change in marital status, be aware that whatever name appears on your ID must be the same name that appears on your permit. Name changes or corrections cannot be made within 7 business days of a scheduled testing date.
You are required to enter your chosen testing region location when you submit your NAVLE Application, and that information is incorporated into your eligibility record. Prometric will not allow you to make a testing appointment at a location outside your chosen testing region.
Please note that Scheduling and Admission Permits are valid only for the dates listed on the permit for a single NAVLE testing window.
Scheduling and Admission Permits are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual candidate named on the permit. If you access a permit and are not the named candidate, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action regarding the permit contents.
A sample of the NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit is available here.
The NAVLE is administered in Prometric Test Centers in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada, and at selected overseas Prometric Testing Centers in Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. For additional information on available testing centers within these testing regions, please refer to the Prometric website.
Permit required for scheduling- To schedule your testing appointment you must access and print your online Scheduling and Admission Permit, as it contains a unique scheduling number that is required during the Prometric scheduling process.
Schedule early- Schedule your testing appointment with Prometric when you are notified of your permit availability. Appointments are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you delay scheduling an appointment, you may not receive the location or test date you prefer. Additional scheduling information can be found in the NAVLE Candidate Bulletin.
Prometric scheduling- Contact Prometric to schedule your testing appointment, either online or by calling the Prometric phone number indicated on your permit. You must provide the scheduling number located on the upper left portion of your permit.
Candidates with documented disabilities- Candidates who have been granted test accommodations will have special information on their permit and must call Prometric to schedule their testing appointment. They do not have the option to schedule online through the Prometric website.
Online scheduling instructions- For candidates scheduling online, the "Test Sponsor" listed on the page should be the International Council for Veterinary Assessment.
Prometric scheduling problems- If the Prometric system does not accept your scheduling number, please ensure that the test sponsor shown on the Prometric website is the the International Council for Veterinary Assessment, and make sure you are entering your scheduling number, and not your NAVID (NAVLE identification number).
Record your Prometric confirmation number- Prometric will provide you a confirmation number at the time you schedule your testing appointment. Record this number in the designated area on the bottom of your printed Scheduling and Admission Permit. The ICVA office does not have access to your confirmation number, and you will need it later to confirm your appointment.
You can confirm your testing appointment with Prometric either online or by telephone. You will be required to provide your confirmation number issued to you by Prometric when you originally scheduled your appointment. Confirm your appointment one week prior to your scheduled test date.
If you are unable to keep your testing appointment on your scheduled date or at your scheduled location, you may change your date or location within that testing window and within your chosen testing region by contacting Prometric online or by telephone. You will be required to provide your Prometric confirmation number when you reschedule.
Requests to reschedule must be made by noon local time at least two business days before your scheduled appointment. When contacting Prometric by telephone to reschedule, you must speak with a representative. Leaving a voicemail message does not satisfy the requirement to provide advance notice.
If you do need to reschedule your appointment but cannot provide at least two business days' notice, contact the ICVA for further information. You will be charged a rescheduling fee and will have to wait for your eligibility to be reset before you can reschedule your appointment. Having your eligibility reset does not guarantee an opening will be available within the testing window.
If you need to change your testing region, a new Scheduling and Admission Permit must be processed for you and you will be assessed additional fees. Seat availability is not guaranteed. Contact our office for further information.
Arrive at the Prometric Testing Center 30 minutes prior to your appointment.
Scheduling and Admission Permit- You must have your Scheduling and Admission Permit with you for admittance into the testing center. You must print your permit (or have it electronically via smartphone) prior to arriving at the Prometric testing center, and have it with you on the day you test, as permits cannot be printed at the testing center, and we will not provide a faxed copy on the day of your examination. The Candidate Identification Number (CIN) on your permit is required to access your examination at the Prometric site.
Current ID required- Your government-issued identification must be current on the day you are scheduled to take the NAVLE. If your ID is expired, you will not be admitted to the Prometric testing center. Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable.
Photograph and signature required on ID- Your government-issued photo identification must contain your photograph and signature, or you will not be admitted to the Prometric testing center. Commonly used IDs include a driver's license or passport. If your driver's license does not contain a photo, Prometric will not accept it for admission to the NAVLE. Check with your state or provincial government for options regarding a government-issued identification containing a photo and signature. Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable.
ID and permit names must match- The first and last names on your identification must exactly match the first and last names on your Scheduling and Admission Permit. The only acceptable difference is the presence of a middle name, middle initial or suffix on one document and its absence on the other. If you need to update/correct your name(s) or other information you can do it here.
If you need to change your testing region, a new Scheduling and Admission Permit must be processed for you and you will be assessed additional fees. Seat availability is not guaranteed. Contact our office for further information.
After your application is received, you will receive an email containing your ICVAID. Once you begin the scheduling process, you will receive your Scheduling Number and CIN as part of your Scheduling and Admission Permit. After scheduling your test date online, you will receive your Confirmation Number.
As a reminder, there are several key numbers you will use during the NAVLE process. They include:
- ICVAID (ICVA identification number)- You will receive your ICVAID once your NAVLE application is received. It will allow you to access your online Scheduling and Admission Permit, and, for some candidates, to access your pass/fail information once scores become available.
- Scheduling Number- You will receive your Scheduling Number along with your Scheduling and Admission Permit. It will allow you to schedule your testing appointment with Prometric.
- Candidate Identification Number (CIN)- You will receive the CIN in your Scheduling and Admission Permit. The CIN is required to access your examination on at the Prometric center on the day you test. As Prometric does not have access to CINs, it is vital that you bring your Scheduling and Admission Permit with you on your scheduled test day; otherwise, you will not be admitted to take the test.
- Confirmation Number- You will receive your Confirmation Number when you schedule your testing appointment. This number is required to confirm and/or reschedule your testing appointment. Please record the Confirmation Number in the specified area on the bottom of your permit.
This NAVLE retake policy will include all previous attempts.
If you are a candidate with a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and require test accommodations, please indicate on both your NAVLE application and your NAVLE state application, that you are requesting accommodations.
All requests for accommodations must be approved by the ICVA. Due to the length of the standard NAVLE (7.5 hours), accommodations of extended testing time and/or more frequent breaks require two testing days. See the NAVLE Candidate Bulletin for more information.
If you are applying for NAVLE approval through the Canadian National Examining Board (NEB), and you have a documented disability for which you will be seeking test accommodations, you must contact the NEB office directly for information regarding their NAVLE accommodation request process by e-mailing
Submit your request and documentation early. Accommodation requests and supporting documentation must be provided to the ICVA at the time of, submission of your NAVLE application.
If you would like to request any testing accommodations, you must check the box on your initial application form to indicate that you intend to seek accommodations for the applicable testing cycle. If you submit an application without indicating the need for accommodations and receive a permit for standard format testing, you will not be permitted to seek accommodations for the testing cycle in question absent extraordinary circumstances.
Submitting Your Application for Test Accommodations
Submit your request and documentation early. Accommodation requests and supporting documentation must be provided to the ICVA at the time of, submission of your NAVLE application. It takes time to review the documentation necessary to approve test accommodations, so submitting your application and accommodation materials early is encouraged. This allows time for you to submit any additionally requested documentation necessary for approval of your request, prior to the application deadline date.
Beginning with the November-December 2024 NAVLE candidates who are either requesting a NAVLE accommodation for the first time OR are requesting a different accommodation than they have received on a previous NAVLE must download the accommodation request guidelines and request form below, and submit your request and all required documentation to be received in our office by August 1 for the November-December NAVLE and February 1 for the April NAVLE.
NAVLE Accommodation Request Packet
Personal Item Exceptions
Unauthorized possession of personal items while you are in the secure areas of the testing center is prohibited. However, in certain limited circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be made for medical reasons, provided that permission is granted in advance of the test day. If you have a medical condition that requires you to use medication, an external appliance, or an electronic device in the secure areas of the test center, you must submit a written request and documentation to our office at the time of your ICVA NAVLE application #1. If the medical issue develops after you have submitted your application, you must contact our office immediately.
Some appliances and devices required for chronic or acute medical situations are already pre-approved for test candidates to use while in the Prometric Testing Centers, including but not limited to service animals, insulin pumps, inhalers, canes, crutches, slings, casts, wheelchairs, TENS units, and eyeglasses. These pre-approved items may be brought to the testing center without receiving prior approval from our office. If you are unsure whether you should request an exception or not, please contact our office. All personal items brought to the examination, either with prior approval from our organization or with pre-approval, are subject to inspection at the test center. If you bring a non-approved item to your examination, you may not be permitted to test, you may be required to relinquish the item, and/or you may be investigated for irregular behavior.
Candidates are not required to obtain advance permission to consume food or take medication on authorized breaks
Examinees Who Require Additional Break Time
Examinees with medical conditions, such as lactation, may apply for additional break time/standard testing time by submitting the form for Non-Standard Testing Conditions available below and on our website along with a letter from a qualified health care professional documenting the medical necessity of the request. Please submit the request at the time of your NAVLE application to the ICVA office. If the medical issue develops after you have submitted your application, please contact the ICVA immediately. Please note, any Non-Standard Testing Conditions request must be received no later than 14 days before the start of the testing window.
NAVLE Non-Standard Testing Conditions Form
There are 300 scored items on each form of the NAVLE. The numbers refer to the target for the number of items for each category on the NAVLE. These are decided by the ICVA’s most recent Practice Analysis, which is updated to stay current with knowledge and trends in veterinary medicine.
The current analysis obtained information about the following characteristics of veterinary practice: (a) work context, (b) animal species and diagnoses managed, (c) clinical and professional competencies required for success, and (d) foundational and basic veterinary sciences knowledge required to appropriately perform the responsibilities of effective practice. Each of these characteristics provides important considerations when designing and developing an examination's blueprint and overall context. For additional details visit the NAVLE Practice Analysis or Executive Summary.
This section covers the clinical and professional competencies required of veterinarians as they perform their daily responsibilities, such as Communication, Leadership, Lifelong Learning, Practice Management, Professionalism, Health Management, One Health Concepts, and Epidemiology.
NAVLE Competencies
Clinical activities were grouped by species and organ system within species, for most species. Similar species were grouped together for the purpose of analyses.
NAVLE Species Diagnoses
The NAVLE process differs for foreign graduates and those who have not graduated from AVMA-accredited schools. All licensure candidates, whether they are graduates of accredited or non-accredited schools, must pass the NAVLE in order to be licensed to practice veterinary medicine by any licensing board in North America.
The following information is for NAVLE candidates who are graduates of or students enrolled in veterinary schools not accredited by the Council on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). View the list of AVMA-accredited schools.
There are two certification programs for graduates of non-accredited veterinary schools: the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) and the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE).
The Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) program is a certification program for graduates of non-accredited veterinary schools operated by the American Veterinary Medical Association. All licensing boards accept ECFVG certificates for candidates seeking licensure
The ECFVG program consists of four steps. Step 1 is application and credentials verification, which requires applicants to demonstrate that they are a graduate of a recognized (but not AVMA-accredited) school of veterinary medicine. Step 2 requires demonstration of English proficiency. Step 3 is passing the ECFVG's Basic and Clinical Sciences Examination (BCSE), and Step 4 is passing a clinical skills examination.
For more information on the ECFVG program, contact:
Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates
American Veterinary Medical Association
1931 N. Meacham Rd., Suite 100
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360
Telephone: 847.925.8070, extension 6778 or 6682
Fax: 847.285.5732
Web site:
The Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE) is a certification program for graduates of non-accredited veterinary schools operated by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). 44 licensing jurisdictions presently accept PAVE certificates in addition to ECFVG certificates. PAVE, like ECFVG, has four steps
Step 1 is application and credentials review, and Step 2 is demonstration of English proficiency. Step 3 requires candidates to pass a basic science examination. Step 4 requires candidates to demonstrate clinical proficiency.
Beginning with the November–December 2007 NAVLE administration, PAVE candidates must pass the Step 3 examination before they can be approved by a licensing board to take the NAVLE.
For more information on the PAVE program, contact:
American Association of Veterinary State Boards
380 W. 22nd. St., Suite 101
Kansas City, MO 64108
Telephone: 816.931.1504 or 877.698.8482, extension 228
Fax: 816.931.1604
Web site:
Canada has its own certification requirements for international veterinary graduates. Contact the National Examining Board for more information.
Individual licensing boards are responsible for determining the eligibility of candidates to sit for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination. Beginning with the 2007–2008 NAVLE administrations, ECFVG and PAVE candidates must have completed the Step 3 examination requirement of the respective program before they can be approved by a licensing board to take the NAVLE.
The ICVA defines irregular behavior as any behavior that threatens the integrity of the examination process. If while taking the NAVLE examination a candidate shows irregular behavior or violates the test administration rules, that candidate’s potential for licensure could be jeopardized. The ICVA reserves the right to cancel scores of any candidate who engages in irregular behavior, and also may bar that individual from one or more future administrations, or permanently. Such individuals may also be subject to possible civil or criminal prosecution.
Specific examples of conduct that may be deemed to be irregular behavior include, but are not limited to, the following:
seeking, providing, and/or obtaining unauthorized access to examination materials
providing false information or making false statements on or in connection with application forms, scheduling permits, or other NAVLE-related documents
taking or attempting to take an examination for which you are not eligible
taking an examination for someone or engaging someone to take an examination for you
seeking, providing, or obtaining unauthorized assistance during the examination or attempting to do so
making notes of any kind while in the secure areas of the test center, except on the writing materials provided at the test center for this purpose
failing to adhere to any NAVLE policy, procedure, or rule, including instructions of the test center staff
verbal or physical harassment of test center staff or other examination staff, or other disruptive or unprofessional behavior during the registration, scheduling, or examination process
possessing any unauthorized materials, including, but not limited to, photographic equipment, communication or recording devices, fitness and tracking monitors, and cell phones, in the secure testing areas
altering or misrepresenting examination scores
unauthorized reproduction by any means, including, but not limited to, reconstruction through memorization and/or dissemination of copyrighted examination materials by any means, including the Internet
communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, and/or answers with another examinee, potential examinee, or formal or informal test preparation group at any time before, during, or after an examination
failure to cooperate fully in any investigation of a violation of the NAVLE rules
All candidates taking ICVA examinations must agree to the following statement before they are able to take the NAVLE: "This examination is owned and copyrighted by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA). Any reproduction of these materials or any part of them, through any means, including, but not limited to copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through memorization and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of these materials or any part of them is strictly prohibited."
For additional information, please refer to the Rules of Conduct.