I have questions about:

Assessment Grants

Please visit our page that gives more information regarding the ICVA Assessment Grant process.



Candidate Dashboard
  1. Please review your receipts to confirm that you have completed both the ICVA NAVLE application AND the state NAVLE approval application.  If you did not complete your state NAVLE approval application, please complete it here.
  2. Please confirm with your school (If you are a student at or graduate of an AVMA-accredited school) or your educational equivalency program (if you are a student at or a graduate of a school not accredited by the AVMA) that they have sent verification of your educational status to ICVA.

ICVAID:  This was included in the email you received from ICVA indicating we received your NAVLE application.

Access Code: This was included in the email you received from ICVA indicating we received your NAVLE application. If you need a new access code, you can get one here.


ECFVG/PAVE Candidates

You need to be enrolled in an educational equivalency program such as ECFVG or PAVE if you are a student at or a graduate from a veterinary school NOT accredited by the AVMA.  Locate AVMA accredited veterinary schools here.

For information on ECFVG, you can look here on their website:  AVMA-ECFVG 

If you have other questions after that, you can e-mail them at ecfvg@avma.org

For information on PAVE, you can look here on their website:  AAVSB-PAVE

If you have other questions after that, you can e-mail them at pave@aavsb.org

Once you complete the first three steps of either the ECFVG or PAVE program, you would be eligible to apply for the NAVLE. 

The only state boards that require NAVLE candidates to have completed all four steps of ECFVG prior to NAVLE approval are California, New Mexico, and Delaware.  All other states will approve for the NAVLE after completion of the Step 3 examination (BCSE).

You will need to complete the NAVLE online application on our website.  Please make sure to indicate the Florida board as your agency for application, and please make sure to mark your exile status. For the documentation, please send your affidavit (either the original or a notarized copy) to our office at ICVA, Attn: Laurie Holverson, PO Box 1356, Bismarck, ND 58502.

Please note, the upcoming changes to the NAVLE retake policy (effective with the November-December 2024 testing window) do not change the approval process for NAVLE candidates who are applying as a Cuban/Venezuelan in Exile, except that there is no longer a five-year time limit between the first and fifth attempts.  Information on the upcoming NAVLE retake policy can be found here on the website.

Eligibility and Application Process

A candidate must be one of the following: 

- Senior student at a VMA-accredited school or college of veterinary medicine

- Graduate of AVMA-accredited school or college of veterinary medicine

- Candidate enrolled in or who holds a certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) program or the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE). To be eligible for the NAVLE, ECFVG and PAVE candidates must have passed the step 3 examination of their respective program before the application deadline.

The NAVLE fee for the upcoming 2024-2025 testing cycle is $760, in USD. There is an additional international testing fee of $365 for individuals who want to test outside of the United States, Canada, or the US Territories.  If you are applying through a state licensing agency that ICVA does not process, be sure to contact your state licensing agency as fee(s) may be different. The NAVLE approval fee for the licensing agency ICVA processes (or for the ICVA direct approval option) is $55.

Note: if the payment method selected by you results in a dishonor or a later dispute as to the validity of the payment for any NAVLE services:

- your NAVLE eligibility may be suspended for the current or for any subsequent testing window until the issue is resolved

- your scores may be withheld, and any scores that have been reported may be rescinded pending resolution of the dishonor or dispute 

- payment of additional fees by you arising from such dishonor or dispute

To be eligible to apply for the NAVLE, the ICVA requires that veterinary students must have an expected graduation date no later than 10 months from the last date of the applicable testing window.  Please select the licensing board for your intended state of licensure to see those requirements



No, if you are enrolled in the ECFVG program, you must have passed the BCSE before you can apply for the NAVLE. If you are enrolled in PAVE, you must have passed the QSE before you can apply for the NAVLE.


The consent statement only applies to NAVLE candidates who are senior students at AVMA-accredited veterinary schools. If you grant consent, you are authorizing the ICVA to provide a copy of your score report to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at your veterinary school (or his/her designee). Score reports for consenting students will be sent to veterinary schools after scores are reported to licensing boards and candidates. Schools are required to keep this information confidential; the information will not be made a part of your academic record and your decision whether to release your score will not affect your student status. You are under no obligation to agree to the consent statement, and if consent is not granted, your score information will not be reported to your school. Once the testing window has ended, you cannot change your consent status.

Canadian Applicants: Contact the Canadian National Examining Board (NEB) in Ottawa for application instructions, and you will submit your application materials and fees directly to the NEB by their deadline.

United States Applicants: If you are applying through one of the states that ICVA processes the state application on behalf of the state/territorial licensing board, you will complete the online combined application.

NAVLE application: This is submitted online via our website.

NAVLE state/territorial licensing board application:  For more information, please visit the State and Provincial Licensing Boards page.

No. You should apply through the state board where you intend to apply for licensure to practice veterinary medicine. The board through which you were approved to take NAVLE will receive a copy of your NAVLE Score Report when scores are reported.

Beginning with the November – December 2024 NAVLE testing window, there will be a ‘No Board’ option on the on-line NAVLE application.  Candidates can select the ‘No Board’ option if they are unsure of where they will be seeking licensure. 


The ICVA online NAVLE application can be submitted at any time during the application period.

For state/territorial licensing boards that have the ICVA handle their NAVLE approvals on their behalf,  we have made available the on-line NAVLE application. If you are applying through one of these state boards, you will submit your combined ICVA NAVLE application and state/territorial application at one time. Click here for additional information on the state NAVLE State application procedures.

All candidates are encouraged to submit both their NAVLE application and complete their state/territorial application early, to allow time to resolve any application issues before the deadline.

Please go to ICVA State Application, scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose your state you are seeking approval from in orange to complete the state application and pay the appropriate fee.  This will need to be completed by the August 1 application deadline for the November December testing window, OR the February 1 deadline for the April testing window.   Please contact ICVA if you are unable to complete the State application process.

November-December Testing Window: August 1

April Testing Window: February 1

No exceptions.

Applications will not be accepted after deadline. Individuals who miss the deadline will need to wait to apply for the subsequent testing window.

Some state licensing boards’ NAVLE application deadlines are earlier.  You should contact your chosen board (or its designated NAVLE processor) to determine their exact application requirements and deadline dates.

The NAVLE is offered at select Prometric Testing Centers worldwide. When completing the NAVLE application, you must indicate the country/region where you will take the examination. Once you have applied, there is a fee to change your testing region. Additional information on testing locations can be found on the Prometric website. There are additional fees associated with testing outside the US, Canada, and US territories.

Once you complete the NAVLE application, you cannot change the licensing board listed as the agency for application.  You must also submit the required NAVLE approval application and documentation to the state/territorial licensing board through which you are seeking NAVLE approval through (or to their designated processor) before their application receipt deadline in order to be approved for the test.

For questions regarding the NAVLE application process or veterinary licensure in Canada, please contact the Canadian National Examining Board.

If you are applying through one of the states that ICVA processes the NAVLE approval on behalf of the state/territorial licensing board (or applying for approval directly with ICVA), you will complete the online combined application.

When you apply to take the NAVLE, the application asks if you have EVER taken the VEA or the NAVLE before.  If you have, select "YES", and the system will find your ICVAID associated with those exams.  If you have not, select "NO" and you will assigned a new ICVAID. 

Your ICVAID will then be emailed to you (to your email address on file), and you will need your ICVAID to access your NAVLE Candidate Dashboard, your Scheduling and Admission Permit, and your scores when they are released. 



Your first and last names on your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit and your first and last names as listed on the non-expired, government-issued, signed, photo identification (the ID you plan to use for entrance into the testing center) need to match exactly.  If there is the presence of a middle name, middle initial or suffix on one document and its absence on the other, that is an acceptable difference.  If it is the full middle name on one document and the corresponding middle initial on the other document, this is also an acceptable difference. Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable.

If you need to update or correct your name or other information you can do it here.

Once you submit the NAVLE application, you cannot change the licensing agency listed as the agency for application.  You must also submit the required NAVLE approval application and documentation to the state/territorial licensing agency through which you are seeking NAVLE approval (or to their designated processor) before their application receipt deadline in order to be approved for the test.

All candidates, regardless of whether they have applied for and taken the examination previously, must apply for the NAVLE by completing the online ICVA NAVLE application and be approved by a state licensing board (or ICVA) to take the NAVLE again.


Exam Security

Irregular behavior is defined as any behavior that undermines the application, assessment, or certification processes of the ICVA or that threatens the integrity of the NAVLE. Irregular behavior may occur prior to, during, and/or following examination application and administration. Specific examples of conduct that may be deemed to be irregular behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • any unauthorized reproduction by any means, including, but not limited to, reconstruction through memorization, and/or dissemination of copyrighted examination materials by any means, including the Internet.
  • communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, and/or answers with another examinee, potential examinee, or formal or informal test preparation group at any time before, during, or after an examination.

Anyone having information or evidence that suspected irregular behavior has occurred should email ICVA providing a detailed description of the incident. Please attach copies of any supporting documentation or evidence, if available.


Any finding of irregular behavior may constitute grounds for the NAVLE program to:

  • Bar you from one or more future examinations or permanently
  • Withhold current NAVLE scores or invalidate the results of your examination and any prior examinations
  • Report irregular behavior to licensing agencies or AAVSB
  • Sue you for damages and civil remedies
  • Pursue prosecution of you for any conduct that constitutes a criminal or civil violation



Format and Administration

The NAVLE consists of 360 multiple-choice questions; 300 questions count toward your score and sixty items are unscored pretest questions. Approximately 15%-20% of the items on the NAVLE include graphic or pictorial information relevant to the item (photograph, radiograph, drawing, chart, etc.).

The content covered on the examinations is based on the NAVLE Blueprint. The blueprint has two dimensions: competencies and animal species/diagnoses. You can also view the Competencies and the Species Diagnoses.

You will have a total of 7.5 hours of test time to complete the NAVLE. The structure of the examination administration is as follows:



# Blocks




15 Minutes

Testing Block (60 Questions)


65 minutes/Block

Break Time*


45 minutes

*Break time is inclusive of time for lunch. Breaks are only permitted between blocks.


Breaks taken within a block are prohibited. If you do take a break during a block, the clock will not stop, and you will lose testing time. The proctor will also file an incident report that will be shared with the ICVA.


No. The NAVLE is administered as a “fixed form” where each candidate is presented with 360 test questions.


You may be required to make simple calculations to answer some questions on the NAVLE.  The test delivery driver for the NAVLE contains an on-screen calculator for candidates who would like to use it.

The software permits candidates to skip items or mark items for later review, within each block only. Once you move to the next block it will lock, you will not be able to go back and review or change your answers to items in a prior block.


No, there are no extensions for the NAVLE.  Once the testing window closes, the examinations are entered into the scoring process and we are unable to provide any extensions of the NAVLE testing window.  As noted in the NAVLE Candidate Bulletin, "Try not to schedule on or near the last day of your eligibility period. If something unexpected happens you may need the extra time remaining in the testing window to reschedule."   

Please be aware that the NAVLE fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

General Questions

The NAVLE is currently given during testing two testing windows annually:

  • April 1 - April 26, 2024
  • November 4 - December 21, 2024
  • April 1 - April 26, 2025
Beginning with the 2025-2026 testing cycle, the NAVLE will be given during three testing windows annually:
  • October 15 - November 15, 2025
  • March 1 - March 21, 2026
  • July 13 - August 8, 2026
Testing window dates will be posted on the NAVLE page of the website.

The NAVLE is given at testing centers operated by Prometric. There are about 300 centers in North America. Look for sites listed for the "International Council for Veterinary Assessment" and then select "NAVLE" or "NAVLF (French version)." The NAVLE is offered at Prometric centers in the US, Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, and in Canada. The NAVLE is also offered at selected testing centers overseas, including sites in countries throughout Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Additional information on testing locations can be found on the Prometric website.

We assign each NAVLE candidate an ICVA identification number (ICVAID) to uniquely identify their candidate record. You will use your ICVAID for the following:


- When you correspond with our office

- To access the NAVLE Candidate Dashboard

- To access and download your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit

- To retrieve your NAVLE score report

- To reapply for the NAVLE

- When you request a score transfer through the AAVSB to another licensing entity.


Your ICVAID should be kept confidential as you would your Social Security Number or your National Identification Number. Please do not share your ICVAID with anyone.


Since NAVLE-related correspondence is sent via e-mail, if your e-mail address changes you must notify the licensing board through which you were approved to take the NAVLE (or their designated NAVLE application processor).


To reach the Veterinary Internship and Residency Matching Program, you can e-mail them at support@virmp.org.

If you are a veterinarian who has graduated from veterinary school but who has not yet passed the NAVLE, you can check with your state or provincial licensing board to see if there are supervised permit or temporary permit options available in their jurisdiction.  They can also let you know what veterinary work you are legally allowed to do before you are officially licensed.  Additionally, information regarding opportunities in veterinary medicine outside of traditional practice can be found here on our website.


If you believe that the administration of the examination or the examination conditions adversely affected your performance, for consideration, you must send a written request to the ICVA for an investigation. Such requests must be received by the ICVA within business 10 days of your test date. Indicate the date and location of the administration and describe the event in as much detail as possible.

In addition to notifying the ICVA, you need to file a complaint with Prometric staff.

Each grievance filed with the ICVA will be evaluated. If your grievance cannot be substantiated through analysis, or if it is determined that your performance was not adversely affected, the score as reported will stand. However, if your complaint can be supported, appropriate corrective action will be taken.


NAVLE Retake Policy

Candidates will be permitted to take the NAVLE up to five times, including incomplete attempts.  An incomplete attempt is any attempt where a candidate initiates the NAVLE and responds to questions without completing the exam. 

Candidates may appeal to the ICVA Board of Directors for approval to take the NAVLE more than five times.

This NAVLE retake policy takes effect with the November-December 2024 administration.  Attempts made prior to this administration are counted toward the five-attempt limit.

Candidates may only take the NAVLE once during each testing window.  ICVA's policy states candidates will be permitted to take the NAVLE up to five times, including incomplete attempts.  An incomplete attempt is any attempt where a candidate initiates the NAVLE and responds to questions without completing the exam. 

Candidates may appeal to the ICVA Board of Directors for approval to take the NAVLE more than five times.

If a candidate has failed the NAVLE five times and wants to take the test a sixth time, they will need to file an appeal with the ICVA.  Please note, approval of appeals is not guaranteed.  Candidates will be required to have a state licensing board support their appeal request as part of the process.  Candidates who want further information on the appeal process should contact the ICVA.


This form needs to be submitted by June 30, 2024 for the November - December 2024 testing window AND by December 1, 2024 for the April 2025 testing window.


1. This NAVLE retake policy will apply to all candidates.

With the new policy, the retake limits apply to all candidates.  If a candidate wants to be approved for a NAVLE attempt after they have failed five previous times, they go through an appeal process with the ICVA, which includes the candidate securing verification from a licensing board that they will accept the candidate’s NAVLE score if they pass the test on that attempt.

Between November-December 2007 and April 2024, ICVA had a recommended NAVLE retake policy of five attempts per candidate, with all attempts taking place within five years of the first attempt and with a year between each of the last two attempts.  However, licensing boards were given the option to have their own NAVLE retake policy with their own limits, or to have no limits at all.

2. This NAVLE retake policy will include all previous attempts.

The ICVA-recommended NAVLE retake policy that began in 2007 did not include attempts completed prior to the November-December 2007 testing window.  The new policy includes all previous attempts in the five-attempt limit.


1. This NAVLE retake policy follows assessment best practices.

Limiting the number of test attempts by a candidate is a best practice for maintaining test security, since it reduces the exposure of test items.  Additionally, allowing the candidate to repeat the test multiple times may lead to the assessment providing less accurate information as to the candidate’s knowledge level.

2. This NAVLE retake policy aligns with the policy of the VTNE

The limit of five attempts and the appeal process for an additional attempt are both similar to the current retake policy for the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE), providing more clarity for applicants and for licensing board personnel.

Preparing for the NAVLE

No. The ICVA recommends that you practice with the computer-based NAVLE tutorial before you take the actual examination, so that you are familiar with the computer interface and the question formats.



The content coverage of the NAVLE is outlined in the NAVLE blueprint that is the result of the NAVLE Practice Analysis. The questions on the NAVLE are based on both competencies required for entry-level practice and the diagnoses that entry-level veterinarian are expected to know.

NAVLE Competencies

NAVLE Species Diagnoses

Yes, there are some free select sample questions are available on our site.

Yes, the NAVLE Self-Assessments (NAVLE SA) can be purchased through our website. Click here to access more information about the NAVLE Self-Assessment.  All NAVLE Self Assessments follow the current blueprint of the current NAVLE.


Here are the study resources we have on our website for the NAVLE:

You can find information about the NAVLE blueprint here.

You can find the species and diagnoses covered on the NAVLE.

You can find competencies covered on the NAVLE.

You can find additional preparation resources for NAVLE here.

Find more information about the NAVLE SA here. There are 3 unique forms in English and 2 unique forms available in French.  You first need to create an account (under account center) before you purchase an assessment.  Your NAVLE SA account is totally separate from when you applied to take the NAVLE.   Only Visa and MasterCard are accepted as forms of payment. 

There are 2 types of NAVLE SA’s - regular and expanded feedback.

English Forms 1 and 3 and French form 1 are regular assessments and the fee is $50

English and French Forms 2 provide expanded feedback, and the fee is $65.  Answers are provided for the questions answered incorrectly for From 2 only.


Note: if the payment method selected by you results in a dishonor or a later dispute as to the validity of the payment for any NAVLE services:

  • your NAVLE eligibility may be suspended for the current or for any subsequent testing window until the issue is resolved
  • your scores may be withheld, and any scores that have been reported may be rescinded pending resolution of the dishonor or dispute 
  • payment of additional fees by you arising from such dishonor or dispute

NAVLE SA are the only preparation material that is composed of actual retired NAVLE items.  There are 200 multiple choice questions in 4 books of 50 questions each.  Once you finish a block, that block locks and you can no longer access that block. You can review questions while in an open block only.

Standard-Paced:  same timing used on the NAVLE. 

Self-Paced:  is for those who need extra testing time, or for those that will be requesting testing accommodations on their NAVLE.  This timing mode is double time of the standard paced timing mode. 

A score report is available immediately after completing a self-assessment, showing the percentage of items answered correctly for the total assessment and for each of the main topic areas. The report also indicates the performance of a comparison group of candidates on the same items.

The score report also includes a projected NAVLE score based on the participant's performance on the assessment.

Research has verified that the projected score range for examinees who take the NAVLE Self-Assessment under the standard-paced timing mode is predictive of later performance on the NAVLE.


The NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit is only issued to candidates who are approved to take NAVLE. Approved candidates will receive an e-mail message from our test vendor, the NBME, with instructions on how to access their permit on-line. You need to have your permit printed or have it available electronically on your smartphone to check-in at Prometric.

The Scheduling and Admission Permit is used to:

  • schedule your testing appointment with Prometric.
  • enter the testing center the day you take the NAVLE.

Click here for a sample Scheduling and Admission Permit.



  • The Scheduling Number is used to schedule your testing appointment with Prometric.
  • The Confirmation Number is provided to you by Prometric when you schedule your examination. You will need this number to confirm and/or reschedule your testing appointment. ICVA does not have access to this number.
  • The Candidate Identification Number (CIN) is used to launch your examination on test day.

Once we have you approved both for the NAVLE AND for your accommodations (if you have requested testing accommodations), we'll submit your file to our test vendor so they can process your permit. Once your permit is ready, you will receive an email from our test vendor, the NBME, with instructions so you can access it on-line and then schedule your NAVLE appointment.

You should contact Prometric or call the phone number listed in Section 1 of your permit to schedule your examination as soon as possible after you are able access your Scheduling and Admission Permit.

You can take your NAVLE at any available testing center located within the testing region you selected when you submitted your ICVA NAVLE application. You do not have to take the NAVLE at a testing center located in the same state that approved you to take the examination.

Yes, but any changes must be made by noon local time (for the region where you are taking the examination) at least two business days before your scheduled appointment. You can reschedule either on-line through Prometric’s website or by telephone by speaking with a Prometric representative. You will need to provide your Prometric confirmation number.

You will be considered a “late-cancellation or a no show” and you forfeit your eligibility for the testing window.  You will be required to pay Prometric a rescheduling (reset) fee if you would like to attempt to test during the testing window. The reset fee is non-refundable, and there is no guarantee a seat will be available after your eligibility has been reset.  This process is explained in Section 2 of your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit.

Primary Identification must be a current, government-issued identification that contains your name, photograph, and signature. Examples Include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National identity card
  • State identification card
  • Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable

If you need to update your name or other information, you can do it here.

You will not be permitted to test if you arrive at the testing center without your Scheduling and Admission Permit. You will forfeit your eligibility and you will be required to follow the process for late cancellation /no shows as explained in Section 2 of your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit.

Go to the ICVA page on the Prometric website click on LOCATE (rather than on RESCHEDULE/CANCEL) and you can see openings without entering your Prometric confirmation number for your current appointment.

If you are having trouble scheduling your NAVLE, go to Prometric and click on “schedule” on the left-hand side of the page.

  • Please make sure you are only listing the scheduling number, with no hashtag in front of it.
  • Make sure you are selecting the correct Testing Region listed on your Scheduling and Admission Permit.
  • If you are not able to make your appointment in their website, then call the telephone number listed in Section 1 of your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit to have a Prometric staff member assist you with making your appointment by phone.



If you need to have your testing region changed after you submit your NAVLE application, please contact ICVA.   You will be required to go to ICVA’s payment page, complete the form, click on “NAVLE region change” for the reference identifier, and then pay a testing region change fee of $100 to make any testing region change. Individuals wishing to change their testing region from the US/Canada region to any of the international testing regions will also need to pay the international testing fee in addition to the $100 testing region change fee. All testing region changes must be made at least 10 business days prior to the start of the testing window.

The NAVLE fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. If you do not take the examination during the testing window for which you were approved, you must submit a new application and pay the full fee to take the NAVLE during a subsequent window.  If you decide to not take the test, we ask that you contact Prometric to cancel your appointment as a courtesy, so another examinee can make use of that opening.

Apply for the NAVLE using the name you think will be on your driver’s license (or passport) when you take your NAVLE.  There will be a place on the application that asks if you have been known by any other name, and that’s where you will put your other last name. 

If something happens and your driver’s license (or passport) will not have the last name you put on your application, you will need to e-mail at least two weeks before your scheduled appointment and let us know what name is on the photo ID so we can send a request to our test vendor to process an updated permit for you (don’t worry - your appointment will still stay in place).

After my NAVLE: 

Please be aware that a name change does not impact the NAVLE score report PDF.  If you’re thinking about future NAVLE score transfers to other boards, you should check with the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).  They hold the score archive and handle all official score transfers. 

If your appointment is cancelled by Prometric, please contact Prometric Candidate Cares at the telephone number listed in Section 2 of your NAVLE Scheduling and Admission Permit for assistance with rescheduling.  
If Prometric states that your previous appointment has been cleared from their scheduling system and you can make a new appointment, then please follow these steps:

1) go to the Prometric website

2) click on “schedule” on the lefthand side of the page. 

3) Use the nine-digit scheduling number from your NAVLE permit to enter the testing system. 


Once you submit the NAVLE application, you cannot change the licensing board listed as the agency for application.  If you need to have your NAVLE score sent to a different licensing board, once you receive your score report you will do an official score transfer to the new licensing board through the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).


Prometric website puts the first and middle name in one single field when it comes up in their scheduling system.  They say they cannot change that.  Your non-expired government issued photo ID needs to show all of the names and they need to be spelled correctly for there not to be an issue.  Electronic versions of your ID are not acceptable.




Scoring and Score Reporting

The score report contains your total test score, each content area sub-score, and your pass/fail designation. Please review the NAVLE Interactive Score Report here.

For each NAVLE testing window, scores are normally reported approximately four to five weeks after the close of the testing window.

NAVLE scores are expressed on a scale that ranges from 200 to 800, with the minimum passing score set at 425. The NAVLE uses criterion-referenced passing score and is not graded on a curve. This means that each candidate's performance is measured against a set standard, rather than the performance of other candidates. For additional information refer to the Scoring and Score Reports section of the NAVLE Candidate Bulletin of Information.


The minimum passing standard is set through an activity known as a standard setting exercise. A standard setting exercise is conducted on a periodic basis to establish the minimum level of proficiency required for entry-level private clinical practice. The standard setting process ensures that valid and fair decisions are being made based on candidates’ scores

The NAVLE process is consistent with other national high-stakes examinations for health professions and follows the industry standard best practices in determining minimum passing standard.

For additional information on the standard setting process, click here.

For additional information on the scoring process, click here.

No. The NAVLE is scored after the close of each testing window. Scores are reported to licensing boards and to candidates approximately 4-5 weeks after the close of each testing window.

Your initial score report is reported to you and to the licensing board through which you were approved to take the NAVLE. If you need your score reported to additional boards, you must submit a score transfer request through the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).  Expect 7-14 business days for your NAVLE score transfer request to be complete.

Yes, all NAVLE candidates can access their NAVLE Score report by logging into the ICVA NAVLE Score Portal after NAVLE results have been released to boards. An email will be sent to all NAVLE candidates with instructions on how to access their NAVLE score report.


We do not process score transfers. Licensing boards will require an official score report, which can be requested through the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). A score transfer request can be submitted through the AAVSB website.

No. ICVA uses a highly rigorous process to ensure the accuracy of scores before they are reported, including a parallel scoring method involving independent scoring systems.

Your NAVLE score will be available to access for approximately 6 months after the initial posting date.  Please follow the instructions you received at the time of NAVLE score release to access your score report, and then select the ‘Print Score Report’ link. Your exam results will open in a new browser window. Use your browser’s ‘Print’ function to print the report.

Please make sure that you've watched this video with tips on how to proceed after finding out that you did not pass the NAVLE. Review your NAVLE score report(s). This is HUGE. The 'big four' species on the NAVLE are dogs, cats, horses, and cows. If you are below average in one or more of those species, you will have a hard time passing the NAVLE. That should be your BIG focus for your next round of NAVLE Prep.  Make sure to check out the other videos on our  YouTube channel about NAVLE prep resources we provide, especially our Species and Diagnoses NAVLE list. If it's on the NAVLE, it's on that list!! It should be the absolute foundation of your preparation.

Individual NAVLE score reports are posted on-line for approximately six months after release.  Candidates should download a copy of their NAVLE score report for their personal records at that time and save it.  If a copy of an individual NAVLE score report is needed after it is no longer posted, candidates can order a duplicate score report.

On Wednesday January 17 at approximately 10 am, ICVA learned that a small number of candidates from the November-December 2023 NAVLE were seeing the name, ICVA ID and content area performance by species and competency relative to the comparison group that was not their own on their score report. ICVA immediately contacted NBME and asked that access to the portal be suspended to ensure no more reports were accessed by examinees. ICVA sent two messages to all candidates informing them of the technical issue and that updated score reports would be available as of January 18th at 5 PM. NBME met this deadline, restored access, allowing all candidates to access to their updated score reports.

NBME confirmed that no NAVLE candidate saw or received any other candidate’s score or pass/fail outcome in the original score reports.

A very small number of candidates were sent reports with someone else’s name, ICVA ID, and content area performance by species and competency relative to the comparison group. However, the content area performance is insufficient to derive the other candidate’s score and/or pass/fail outcome.

The ICVA supports veterinary licensing authorities through its leadership in the development, delivery, and continual improvement of high-quality assessments across the continuum of veterinarians’ preparation for practice. NBME is responsible for delivering and scoring the exam, as well as creating and distributing the score reports via their proprietary software.

NBME took several actions, including;

  • Identified the root cause of the technical issue and put procedures in place to prevent recurrence.
  • Confirmed that the scores and pass/fail outcomes were correct as reported.
  • Sent an email to all candidates  taking responsibility for the issue and informing them of the steps taken to enhance security.
  • Upgraded log in security and sent all examinees new passwords 

As of January 20, 2023, NBME’s IT department added a password requirement to supplement the ICVA ID and birthdate for candidates to access the NBME portal hosted by ICVA, where their score reports are posted. This added layer of security will ensure no one outside of the authorized user can access the portal.

ICVA is in continual communication with NBME to understand the steps they are taking to ensure this does not happen again and sharing relevant updates with candidates.

If examinees have any issues accessing their scores with the new password requirement please contact support@nbme.org

Test Accommodations

If you are a candidate with a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and require test accommodations, please indicate so on your NAVLE application

You must check the box on your initial application form to indicate that you intend to seek accommodations for the applicable testing window. If you apply without indicating the need for accommodations and receive a permit for standard format testing, you will not be permitted to seek accommodations for the testing window. Beginning with the November-December 2024 NAVLE candidates who are either requesting a NAVLE accommodation for the first time OR are requesting a different accommodation than they have received on a previous NAVLE must also complete and submit the NAVLE Accommodation Request Process Packet, including the request form and documentation, by the applicable application deadline for your testing window.

All requests for accommodations for applicants applying for NAVLE approval through the United States and Canada must be approved by the ICVA.

You must contact the NEB office directly for information regarding their NAVLE accommodation request process by e-mailing neb-bne@cvma-acmv.org.

Information on the documentation requirements is found in the NAVLE Accommodation Request Process Packet.

It takes time to review the documentation necessary to approve test accommodations, so submission of application and accommodation materials early is encouraged.

Click here for additional information on requesting testing accommodations for the NAVLE.

Requests and documentation for accommodations on the NAVLE are due by the same deadlines as the applications to test — August 1 for the November - December testing window, and February 1 for the April testing window.  You can find the application process packet on our website.

To schedule a test date via the Prometric website available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


Call 800-967-1139 located in Baltimore, MD available M-F 8am-5pm (local time).




NAVLE Presentations

To learn more about NAVLE presentations, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Johnson Million.


NAVLE Self-Assessment

General Questions

The NAVLE Self-Assessment is a web-based preparation tool that resembles the format and content covered on the NAVLE. The NAVLE Self-Assessment was created by ICVA to help candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses as they prepare for NAVLE.

There is no limit to the number of times any form of a self-assessment may be taken, although once completed, another assessment must be purchased again to take the same assessment. 

Two free sample assessments (one English and one French, 10 items each) are available. The sample assessments contain a tutorial which provides an overview of the delivery software and assists the candidate with navigating the self-assessment system. An answer key is provided for the free sample assessments.

Performace Feedback (Score Report)

A score report is available immediately after completing a self-assessment.

Regular Feedback Self-Assessment Forms: Candidates are provided with percent correct scores for the total self-assessment and for each of the main topic areas. The report also indicates the performance of a comparison group of candidates on the same items.

The score report also includes a projected NAVLE score based on the candidates's performance on the assessment.

Expanded Feedback Self-Assessment Forms: In addition to the feedback described for the regular forms, individuals who purchase the expanded feedback form (form 2) receive the correct answers to incorrectly answered questions only.


Score reports will be available for reviewing and printing indefinitely in your NAVLE SA account.

This is the anticipated range of your NAVLE score based on your performance on the Self-Assessment. Research has verified that the projected score range for examinees who take the NAVLE Self-Assessment under the standard-paced timing mode is predictive of later performance on the NAVLE.

Self-Assessment Content

The NAVLE Self-Assessment is created using the same blueprint as the NAVLE. That means that the content on the Self-Assessment is the same as the NAVLE.

The NAVLE Self-Assessment consists of multiple-choice questions that have one correct response.

Yes. The NAVLE Self-Assessments are composed of retired NAVLE items. That means that the questions once appeared on the NAVLE, but are no longer used.

Self-Assessment Formats and Cost

Each NAVLE self-assessment form consists of 200 multiple-choice items, which are presented in four sections of 50 items each.

  • The regular Self-Assessment forms provide individuals with a score report that contains the total test and sub scores as well as a predicted score range.
  • The expanded feedback Self-Assessment form provides the same feedback and provides the examinee with an opportunity to review the questions and answers to those questions that answered incorrectly.

Please Note - if you buy Form 1 more than once, you will see the same questions.  There are 3 unique forms - each containing different questions from the other forms. 

Five forms of the self-assessment are available. There are three forms in English and two forms in French. The French forms are translated versions of the English forms.

English Form 1 - Regular
English Form 2 - Expanded Feedback
English Form 3 - Regular

French Form 1 - Regular (same items as English Form 1)
French Form 2 - Expanded Feedback (same items as English Form 2)

  • Regular Self-Assessment: $50.00
  • Expanded Feedback Forms: $65.00

*Fees can be paid by Visa or MasterCard only and self-assessment fees are non-refundable.

You can purchase a NAVLE SA here.

Self-Assessment Timing and Administration

Self-assessments are offered under two timing modes, standard-paced and self-paced:

  • Standard-paced - 55 minutes per section for a total test time of 220 minutes. This is the same timing used on the NAVLE.
  • Self-paced timing - 110 minutes per section, for a total test time of 440 minutes.

* The timing mode cannot be changed once the self-assessment has been accessed by the candidate.

A participant must complete a self-assessment within 30 days of launching the assessment.

You will have 30 days from the launch date to complete your assessment. You may pause the assessment at any time by clicking the Pause button in the navigation panel of the screen and then clicking OK to the resulting message box. The pause button allows you to exit the assessment and resume later, provided the time allotted for your assessment has not run out. When paused, your assessment will stop and the browser will close. When you resume the assessment from the Current Status page, you will return to the same section and item on which you were working.

At any time during the 30-day administration period, the assessment can be paused and resumed later. Your assessment is saved at the last question you answered. You can resume your assessment, provided the time allotted has not run out.

When a participant completes a section of the self-assessment, the participant must select “End” before proceeding to the next section. Once a section is intentionally ended, or time expires for a section, you cannot return to that section. Once the total assessment has been completed, you cannot return to review any part of it.

If you are working in a section and the allotted section time runs out before you answer all the questions, the section will end, and you will be unable to answer the remaining questions in that section.

Once the entire self-assessment is completed, you CANNOT go back and review the total assessment. However, while working within each section and before submitting it, you can change answers, mark them for review, or leave them blank.

Technical Issues and Website Maintenance

Examinees may experience this type of issue if there is a loss of server connection (locally or otherwise), power outages, etc.  If this occurs contact ICVA for assistance.

The NAVLE Self-Assessment is designed to be available 24 hours a day/7 days a week. However, routine maintenance may occur on the NAVLE Self-Assessment website, and participants may be unable to access a purchased assessment during that maintenance period. Scheduled maintenance will be noted on the home page of the Self-Assessment site or the News and Updates page of our website.

Remember the NAVLE SA account is totally separate from when you applied to take the NAVLE.  Create an account, or log in to your account here.  If you forgot your password, use the "forget password" option.  You can always create another account under your personal or school email address.


Species Specific Examination

Please visit our Species Specific Examination page for more information regarding this assessment. 


Veterinary Educational Assessment (VEA)

Ordering the VEA

The ICVA will charge a per-candidate fee of $75, payable by the school. Schools may decide whether to pass this fee on to their students.

Orders and payments are due:

- July 15 for the August/September testing window

- November 15 for the January testing window

- March 15 for the May testing window

Schools place their orders for the VEA here on our website.  They will list at that time how many students will be testing and when, and will upload the VEA student roster with required information at that time.  A template for the roster is provided on the VEA order page.  Schools pay with a credit card as they place the order.

The VEA® student roster that the school submits with their order contains a field to indicate if the student should receive additional testing time or the standard length of time.

There are no refunds once the student files have been submitted to our test vendor.

VEA Faculty Review

To give faculty a better understanding of the assessment, ICVA offers two complimentary faculty reviews per school, per 12-month period (July 1 - June 30).

The VEA Faculty Review can be completed any time of the year.

ICVA requires a two-week timeframe to process the request.  The school has a 60-day window to complete the faculty assessment.

The VEA Faculty Review form contains 100 items.

Yes. The faculty review form is based on the same content specifications as the VEA®.

Schools are under no obligation to purchase the test after the faculty review. However, schools that intend to administer the VEA® to their students may choose to have these faculty members reviewing at the same time as their student administration, or prior to the testing window of their students.

For more information on the VEA® Faculty Review please email us at vea@icva.net

VEA General Questions
Content Area % Description
Anatomy 22% Includes gross and microscopic anatomy, developmental anatomy, physical examination, and principles of radiology and diagnostic imaging
Physiology 23% Includes organ physiology, physiological chemistry, genetics, nutrition, and breeding
Pharmacology 14% Includes pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, therapeutics, toxicology, and anesthesia/analgesia
Microbiology 20% Includes bacteriology, mycology, virology, parasitology, immunology, diagnostics, and public health [regulatory, epidemiology, and zoonoses])
Pathology 21% Includes general pathology, gross pathology, histopathology, pathogenesis, and clinical pathology [cytology and data analysis/diagnostics])


There are 240 questions on the VEA®. 200 of those questions are “Live” questions that are scored and 40 of those questions are “Pretest” questions that are not included in your score.

No, the pretest questions are randomly distributed throughout the exam.

Pretest questions are included on the exam to gather statistics on the test questions to provide information about the viability of using them as scored questions on future VEA examinations.

A study conducted in 2011 to determine the relationship among several common measures, prior to and during veterinary school, revealed that the VEA® was the strongest predictor of how a student would perform on the NAVLE. The VEA® tests students on knowledge that is foundational to the clinical practice. If students have a strong understanding of these content areas, there is a high probability that they will score well on the NAVLE.

VEA Score Feedback and Interpretation

An individual score report is created for each examinee. In addition to the score report, each candidate will receive a copy of the Performance Interpretation Guidelines (PIG) to assist the student with score interpretation.  ICVA provides the score reports to the school, and school officials distribute the individual score reports to the students.

Schools receive a copy of the Integration of Minimum Competency Results.pdf. This document contains the results of a study that was conducted to provide the schools with guidelines to use to determine what students may require remediation. Please contact us if you have questions about how to use this document.


Score reports are designed to provide faculty with information to help to identify students who may need remediation in the basic sciences. Faculty are encouraged to review the VEA score results with the individual students. The release of any score to any person or organization outside the school is strictly prohibited.

Score reports are available in MyNBME portal under performace feedback for approximately 12 months after score reporting.  School faculty/staff are encouraged to download all feedback when it is made available through the portal.

Score reports are only provided to a program’s verified administrative staff. Under no circumstances are they provided to a current or prior examinee.


VEA Test Administration

The VEA is delivered via internet-based delivery at schools who elect to offer the exam to their students. The examination may be given using school or student computers that meet the technical requirements for delivery of the web-based examination and can be done as a group on-campus or individually if students are off-campus.

Candidates access the examination by logging into a secure web site, and the test administration is supervised by school proctors.

The VEA® is delivered in two blocks of 120 items in 132 minutes, with an optional break of up to 45 minutes between the two blocks. This includes both 200 scored items and 40 pretest items being considered for use in future VEA® testing cycles.

The technical requirements for the VEA can be found here.

Schools have the option for in-person testing proctored by faculty or staff at the veterinary school or remote proctoring and testing or a combination of both, using third-party software (Zoom, MS Teams, or Webex).

The web-based testing system’s flexibility allows schools to administer the VEA over multiple days.  We recommend that schools admisiter the test on one or two days.


Volunteer with ICVA

Please visit our page that explains Volunteer Opportunities with ICVA. 


Wisconsin Rules and Laws Exam

General Questions

Please visit our Wisconsin State Rules and Laws page for more information. 

Examinees not currently licensed in another jurisdiction, planning to take the Wisconsin Rules and Laws Examination should contact the ICVA.

Examinees currently licensed who are seeking licensure in the state of Wisconsin should contact the Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board to be approved for the exam. 

The fee for the examaination is $50.00

You have 30 days from the start of eligibility to complete this ‘open book’ exam.  You may log in and out during that time.  

Once you have completed the exam, your score will be emailed to you and to the WIVEB. You may download a copy from the email.

The links to the codes and statutes, that you can reference during the examination:

Wisconsin Statutes 89

Wisconsin Administrative Code

Once your payment is received, you will be submitted to the test vendor and an email will be sent with instructions on how to access your exam.



Please visit our page that gives more information regarding Assessment Development Workshops.

To learn more about VEA Data Workshops, please contact  Dr. Courtney Vengrin.
